

Translations (English) of protocols confirming 100% reliability of forecasts of Grigori Grabovoi which he made on the production basis of the operating aviation enterprises without using instrument technologies and only through the application of consciousness technologies.

Diagnostics of space technology by Grigori Grabovoi

Originals of offered to your attention protocols (in Russian) are located in the 1-St volume of 3-volume edition “The practice of control. The way of salvation” by Grigori Grabovoi

RKA Mission Control Center

Russia, 141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Pionerskaya str.4

1997 9.30 Ex. № 77

Protocol of the forecast given by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi on docking of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA for the period from September 27, 1997

Target setting: Grabovoi G. P., make a forecast on docking of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA for the period of docking since 27 September 1997.
Place of target setting: RKA Mission Control Center of the Russian Federation (TsUP).
Time setting: 26 September 1997 13 hours and 25 minutes.
The target was formed by Blagov V.D.

Forecast of Grabovoi, G.P .:
Item 1: Docking of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA, planned at the end of the day of 27 September 1997, will be realized.
Item 2 : Directly before docking will be a deviation from the axis.
Place and time of the response of Grabovoi G. P.: the TsUP 26 September 1997
Method to receive information by Grabovoi G.P.: through his clairvoyance.

In practice, planned at the end of the day of 27 September 1997, docking of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA was realized and directly before docking there was a deviation from the axis.
Conclusion: the forecast given by Grabovoi G. P. was confirmed.
Data of Grabovoi G. P.: date of birth November 14, 1963, passport series III - OG № 586058 issued 01 February 1980.

The responsible officer of the TsUP:
Surname: Blagov
Name: Victor
Patronymic: Dmitrievich
Position and phones: Deputy head of the flight, tel 187-13-44.
Signature: Name: Blagov
A triangular stamp: service control flight

Numbered side of the sheet number 240

RKA Mission Control Center

Russia, 141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Pionerskaya str.4

1997 9.30 Ex. № 120

Protocol of the forecast given by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi on the function of on-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir”.

Target setting: Grabovoi G.P., make a forecast on the operation of on-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of Russian Federation since 26 September 1997.

Place of target setting: RKA Mission Control Center of the Russian Federation (TsUP).

Time setting: 26 September 1997 13 hours 27 minutes.
The target was formed by Blagov V.D.

Forecast of Grabovoi G.P.: On-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” will operate during five days.

Place and time of Grabovoi G.P.`s answer: TsUP 26 September 1997.

Method of receiving information by Grabovoi G.P.: through his clairvoyance.

In practice on-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” was operating since 26 September1997 during five days and then was replaced.

Conclusion: the forecast given by Grabovoi G. P. was confirmed.

Data of Grabovoi G. P.: date of birth November 14, 1963, passport series III - OG № 586058 issued 01 February 1980.

The responsible officer of the TsUP:
Surname: Blagov
Name: Victor
Patronymic: Dmitrievich
Position and phones: Deputy head of the flight, tel 187-13-44.
Signature: Name: Blagov
A triangular stamp: service control flight

Numbered side of the sheet number 241

RKA Mission Control Center

Russia, 141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Pionerskaya str.4

1997 9.30 Ex. № 78

Protocol of diagnostics of engines of the space Shuttle Atlantis USA, made by Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich during several seconds after the formulation of the task on phone.
Task setting: Grabovoi G. P., diagnose the engines of the space Shuttle Atlantis.

Place and way of task transmission: From RKA Mission Control Center (TsUP)

the question was formulated by phone. Grabovoi G. P. diagnosed engines, moving with a mobile phone on New Arbat street, Moscow.
Time setting: 29 September 1997 12 hours and 20 minutes.
The target was formed by Blagov V.D.

Diagnostics of GrabovoiG.P.: Characteristics of the lower engine of the space Shuttle Atlantis USA are changed.
Place and time of Grabovoi G.P.`s response: Moscow, New Arbat street, on a mobile phone, immediately after getting the task, 29 September 1997.
Method of obtaining information by Grabovoi G.P.: through his clairvoyance.
In practice the characteristics of the lower engine of the space Shuttle Atlantis USA were actually changed.
Conclusion: diagnostics made by Grabovoi G. P. was confirmed.
Data of Grabovoi G. P.: date of birth November 14, 1963, passport series III - OG № 586058 issued 01 February 1980.

The responsible officer of the TsUP:
Surname: Blagov
Name: Victor
Patronymic: Dmitrievich
Position and phones: Deputy head of the flight, tel 187-13-44.
Signature: Name: Blagov
A triangular stamp: service control flight